
最近更新日期:2022年 7月 19日

生效日期:2022年 7月 19日




















1.1. 友费控网站:指友费控官网(域名为:https://www.yonyou.com/) 及相应的客户端(如APP,如有)。

1.2. 友费控:除非另有约定,指友费控网站的运营者用友网络科技股份有限公司。

1.3. 友费控关联公司:指用友网络科技股份有限公司最新上市年报披露的关联公司,具体详见上海证券交易所官方网站。

1.4. 用户:指购买友费控的云服务产品并接受相关技术及网络支持服务的个人、企业、公司、事业单位其他依据中华人民共和国法律享有民事权利并能独立承担民事义务的组织。

1.5. 用户个人信息:用户个人信息是指用户向友费控提交的或者友费控收集的用户信息,上述信息可以电子或者其他方式记录,并可单独或者与其他信息结合识别特定自然人身份或者反映特定自然人活动情况。

1.6. 敏感个人信息:是指一旦泄露、非法提供或滥用可能危害人身和财产安全,极易导致个人名誉、身心健康受到损害或歧视性待遇的个人信息。友费控服务的敏感个人信息包括身份证件号码、手机号码、个人生物识别信息、银行账号、财产信息、交易信息、16岁以下(含)儿童的个人信息。

1.7. 业务数据:不同于用户信息,是指友费控的用户利用友费控的服务上传、下载、分发通过友费控的技术服务处理的数据。

1.8. 收集:指友费控获得对用户的个人信息的控制权的行为,包括由用户主动提供、通过与用户交互或记录用户行为自动采集,以及通过共享、转让、搜集公开信息间接获取方式。

1.9. 友费控企业/组织用户:指通过企业或其他组织授权管理员或直接通过法定代表人注册成为友费控用户,并以管理员身份通过友费控管理平台上传企业/组织员工通讯录搭建企业组织架构后,代表企业组织开通、管理和使用友费控服务。友费控企业/组织用户包括但不限于公司、政府机构、其他组织、合伙企业或个体工商户。

1.10. 友费控企业/组织管理员:指经友费控企业/组织用户授权或指定,拥有友费控企业/组织用户管理平台系统操作权限,代表企业/组织开通、管理和使用友费控服务的友费控个人用户。

1.11. 友费控个人用户:是指注册友费控账户的个人用户,不属于任何友费控企业/组织用户,也不具有友费控企业组织管理员权限。

1.12. 个人信息控制者:有权决定个人信息处理目的、方式的组织或个人。本隐私权政策的友费控服务中的部分个人信息控制者为友费控企业/组织用户

二、 适用范围

2.1. 本隐私权政策适用于友费控网站提供的所有友费控服务,包括友费控基于互联网技术建立且享有著作权的公有云系统服务平台以及基于该云平台提供的各类企业互联网应用服务,及上述服务涉及的移动客户端(即APP,如有)。

2.2. 本隐私权政策不适用于其他第三方向您提供的服务。包括友费控市场上入驻的第三方生态伙伴向您提供的服务以及友费控市场售卖的融合型生态产品。

三、 用户个人信息收集与使用





3.1.1. 为了向您提供服务,我们会向您发送信息、通知或与您进行业务沟通,包括但不限于为保证服务完成所必须的验证码、使用服务时所必要的推送通知;

3.1.2. 我们可能以您的用户个人信息统计数据为基础,设计、开发、推广全新的产品及服务;我们会对我们的服务使用情况进行统计,并可能会与公众或第三方分享这些统计信息,但这些统计信息在分享前会去除您的身份标识并做匿名化处理;

3.1.3. 为提高您使用我们及我们关联公司、合作伙伴提供服务的安全性,确保操作环境安全与识别账号异常状态,保护您或其他用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,更好地预防钓鱼网站、欺诈、网络漏洞、计算机病毒、网络攻击、网络侵入安全风险,更准确地识别违反法律法规或友费控相关协议、规则的情况,我们可能使用您的用户个人信息整合设备信息、有关网络日志以及我们关联公司、合作伙伴合法分享的信息,来判断您账户及交易风险、进行身份验证、安全事件的检测及防范,并依法采取必要的记录、审计、分析、处置措施;

3.1.4. 如我们超出本款约定使用您的用户个人信息,或者在超出具有合理范围使用您的用户个人信息前,我们会再次向您告知并征得您的明示同意。
















4.1. 共享


4.1.1. 在获取明确同意的情况下共享:获得您的明确同意后,我们会与其他方共享您的用户信息;

4.1.2. 在法定情形下的共享:我们可能会根据法律法规规定、诉讼、仲裁解决需要,或按行政、司法机关依法提出的要求,对外共享您的用户信息;

4.1.3. 与关联公司间共享:为便于我们基于友费控向您提供产品和服务,识别账号异常,保护友费控关联公司或其他用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,经您的明确同意,您的用户个人信息可能会与我们的关联公司共享。

4.1.4. 与授权合作伙伴共享:如果您通过友费控使用的某些服务是由友费控的供应商、合作伙伴或入驻友费控市场的第三方授权合作伙伴提供的,经您的明确同意,您的用户个人信息可能会与我们的关联公司共享;此外,为了与上述第三方授权合作伙伴共同开展市场推广活动,经您的明确同意,友费控可能与其共享开展活动所必需的以及在活动过程中产生的您的相关个人信息;

4.1.5. 对我们与之共享用户信息的公司、组织和个人,我们会与其签署严格的保密协议以及信息保护约定,要求他们按照我们的说明、本隐私权政策以及其他任何相关的保密和安全措施来处理用户信息。

4.2. 转让


4.2.1. 在获取明确同意的情况下转让:获得您的明确同意后,我们会向其他方转让您的用户信息;

4.2.2. 在友费控与其他法律主体者发生合并、收购或破产清算情形,或其他涉及合并、收购或破产清算情形时,如涉及到用户信息转让,我们会要求新的持有您用户信息的公司、组织继续受本政策的约束,否则我们将要求该公司、组织和个人重新向您征求授权同意。

4.3. 公开披露


4.3.1. 获得您明确同意或基于您的主动选择,我们可能会公开披露您的用户信息;

4.3.2. 或为保护友费控及其关联公司用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,我们可能依据适用的法律或友费控平台相关协议、规则披露关于您的用户信息。

4.4. 共享、转让、公开披露用户信息时事先征得授权同意的例外


4.4.1. 与国家安全、国防安全有关的;

4.4.2. 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的;

4.4.3. 与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行有关的;

4.4.4. 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的;

4.4.5. 您自行向社会公众公开的个人信息;

4.4.6. 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开渠道。

五、 用户业务数据和公开信息


5.1 用户业务数据

5.1.1. 您通过友费控提供的服务,加工、存储、上传、下载、分发以及通过其他方式处理的数据,均为您的用户业务数据,您完全拥有您的用户业务数据。友费控作为企业云服务提供商,我们只会严格执行您的指示处理您的业务数据,除按与您协商一致或执行明确的法律法规要求外,不对您的业务数据进行任何非授权的使用或披露。

5.1.2. 您应对您的用户业务数据来源及内容负责,友费控提示您谨慎判断数据来源及内容的合法性。因您的用户业务数据内容违反法律法规、部门规章或国家政策而造成的全部结果及责任均由您自行承担。

5.2 公开信息

5.2.1. 公开信息是指您公开分享的任何信息,任何人都可以在使用和未使用友费控网站服务期间查看或访问这些信息。

5.2.2. 为使用友费控服务,可能存在您必须公开分享的信息。例如友费控市场为构建诚信交易环境,您的信用评价信息(星级、客户评价)需要被公开分享。若您是服务商(卖家),您应当根据适用的法律法规和友费控市场规则的要求,公开分享企业或者自然人经营者的相关信息。

六、 用户个人信息的查询、更正与删除

6.1. 您可以查看您提供给友费控的注册信息及使用友费控平台过程中产生的其他信息,您可以随时登入您的友费控网站账户来查询并修正您的个人信息。

6.2. 对于友费控收集的个人信息,如存在下述情形,您可以登入您的友费控平台账户,并依照相应页面的指示来删除您的账户,或移除特定个人信息:

6.2.1. 您认为我们不再有必要持有您的个人信息;

6.2.2. 我们曾取得您的同意来处理个人信息,且您事后收回同意(且我们并无其他理由处理该个人信息);

6.2.3. 您认为我们以非法方式处理您的个人信息;

6.2.4. 在我们收集该个人信息时,您正值或未满 16 岁,且我们能够验证您的年龄。

七、 cookie和同类技术的使用方式

7.1. 我们会在友费控服务上使用并允许其他特定公司使用 Cookie、网络信标以及其他同类技术。此举是为了了解您对友费控服务的使用情况,改善您的用户体验

7.2. Cookie是在您访问网站时下载到您设备上的包含少量信息的文本文件。通过这些Cookie,我们能记住您在友费控网站上进行的选择,并提供增强的功能。 同时,我们使用自身的 Cookie 和/或第三方Cookie及其他标识符(如网络信标)查看您如何使用我们的网站和服务, 以便增强其性能,并根据您的偏好选择对其进行开发。此外,我们还允许数据提供商使用Cookie或其他同类技术,帮助我们提供内容。

7.3. 您可根据自己的偏好管理Cookie,您也可以清除设备上保存的所有 Cookie。大部分网络浏览器都设有阻止Cookie的功能。 但如果您这么做,则需要在每一次访问友费控网站时更改用户设置。如需详细了解如何更改浏览器设置,请访问您使用的浏览器的相关设置页面。

7.4. 除 Cookie 外,我们还会在网站上使用网站信标和像素标签其他同类技术。例如,我们向您发送的电子邮件可能含有链接至我们网站内容的地址链接,如果您点击该链接,我们则会跟踪此次点击,帮助我们了解产品或服务使用情况以便于我们主动改善客户服务体验。网站信标通常是一种嵌入到网站或电子邮件中的透明图像。借助于电子邮件中的像素标签,我们能够获知电子邮件是否被打开。如果您不希望自己的活动以这种方式被追踪,则可以随时从我们的寄信名单中退订。

7.5. 关于友费控APP集成第三方SDK的说明。为保障我们客户端的运行,享受更多的服务和功能,我们的应用中会集成授权合作伙伴的SDK或其他类似的应用程序。集成的第三方SDK详情及收集的信息说明,参见附件二《友费控APP集成第三方SDK及收集信息说明》。我们会对授权合作伙伴的SDK和API进行严格的安全检测,并与授权合作伙伴约定严格的数据保护措施,令其按照本条款来处理个人信息。





9.1. 存储地点:我们将在中华人民共和国境内运营的友费控服务中收集和产生的个人信息存储在中华人民共和国境内。如涉及向境外传输个人信息,我们将明确向您告知个人信息出境的目的、接收方、安全保障措施情况,并另行征得您的同意。

9.2. 存储期限:我们会采取合理可行的措施存储您的个人信息,尽力避免收集无关的个人信息。我们只会在在限于达成本政策所述目的所需的期限以及所适用法律法规所要求的期限内保留您的个人信息。友费控将依据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》的要求,就您使用友费控应用服务留存相关的网络日志不少于六个月。


10.1. 我们是面向已满十八周岁的成人提供产品和服务。如您为未成年人,我们要求您请您的父母或监护人仔细阅读本隐私权政策,并在征得您的父母或监护人同意的前提下使用我们的服务或向我们提供信息。

10.2. 对于经父母或监护人同意使用我们的产品或服务而收集未成年人个人信息的情况,我们只会在法律法规允许、父母或监护人明确同意或者保护未成年人所必要的情况下使用、共享、转让或披露此信息。
















登录友费控app手机客户端,通过操作“我的 – 设置 – 帐号管理 – 帐号注销“以完成删除您的个人信息,该操作是在确认删除后立即生效的。









业务功能 收集的个人信息 收集目的和场景
登陆认证 手机号和邮箱 手机号和邮箱用于登录身份认证。


SDK来源 功能描述 隐私权政策链接 收集的个人信息
华为 华为SDK,用于华为手机的通知推送 https://www.huawei.com/cn/privacy-policy
会收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID 、IP和MAC地址。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、应用版本、SDK版本,以及您国家或地区的设置也会帮助我们为您提供更好的推送服务和体验。
小米 小米SDK.用于小米手机的通知推送 http://www.miui.com/res/doc/eula/cn.html
会收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID、IP和MAC地址,以及您的MID(适用于MIUI系统)。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、应用版本、SDK版本,以及您国家或地区的设置也会帮助我们为您提供更好的推送服务和体验。
魅族 魅族SDK,用于魅族手机的通知推送 https://www.flyme.com/agreement
会收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID、IP和MAC地址。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、应用版本、SDK版本,以及您国家或地区的设置也会帮助我们为您提供更好的推送服务和体验。
VIVO VIVO SDK,用于vivo手机的通知推送 https://www.vivo.com.cn/about-vivo/privacy-policy
设会收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID、IP和MAC地址。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、应用版本、SDK版本,以及您国家或地区的设置也会帮助我们为您提供更好的推送服务和体验。
OPPO OPPO SDK,用于oppo手机的通知推送 https://privacy.oppo.com/cn/overview/
会收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID、IP和MAC地址。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、应用版本、SDK版本,以及您国家或地区的设置也会帮助我们为您提供更好的推送服务和体验。
腾讯 腾讯分享sdk,腾讯SDK,用于分享到QQ、微信 https://www.wechat.com/zh_CN/privacy_policy.html 会尝试写入SDCard数据(创建),收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID、IP和MAC地址。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、应用版本、SDK版本,以及您国家或地区的设置也会帮助我们为您提供更好的推送服务和体验。
支付宝支付SDK 用于启动支付宝支付功能 https://render.alipay.com/p/yuyan/180020010001196791/preview.html?agreementId=AG00000132 会尝试写入SDCard数据(创建),收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID、IP和MAC地址。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、应用版本、SDK版本,以及您国家或地区的设置也会帮助我们为您提供更好的推送服务和体验。
高德 用于地理位置定位、考勤打卡 https://lbs.amap.com/home/privacy/ 地理位置信息、设备信息
科大讯飞 科大讯飞SDK,用于语音录制,语音转换文字 https://www.xfyun.cn/doc/policy/privacy.html 会收集您的设备IP和Mac地址、位置,唯一设备识别码(IMEI/androidID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID、SIM卡IMSI信息)
新浪微博 新浪微博SDK,用于第三方登录 https://www.weibo.com/signup/v5/privacy 会收集您的设备Mac地址、唯一设备识别码(IMEI/androidID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID、SIM卡IMSI信息、IP和MAC地址)
Cordova 用于H5页面与Android交互 https://cordova.apache.org/privacy/ 会尝试写入SDCard数据(创建),收集您的设备Mac地址、IP地址,唯一设备识别码(IMEI/androidID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID、SIM卡IMSI信息),获取已安装的应用
Bugly(腾讯) 分析用户的应用崩溃情况 https://static.bugly.qq.com/bugly-sdk-privacy-statement.pdf 日志信息(包括:第三方开发者自定义日志、Logcat日志以及APP崩溃堆栈信息)、设备ID(包括:androidid以及idfv)、联网信息、系统名称、系统版本以及国家码


业务功能 申请开启手机权限 收集的个人信息
更换头像 相机、照片读取和写入权限 允许app读取存储的图片、视频
应用上传图片或视频 相机、照片读取和写入权限 允许app读取存储的图片、视频
应用启动 sd卡存储权限 允许app读取存储的文件
应用登录 读取手机状态信息权限 手机状态信息(IMEI)
通讯录-添加手机联系人 通讯录权限 手机通讯录信息
面容解锁 面容ID权限 人脸图像
指纹解锁 指纹权限 指纹特征值
考勤打卡 位置权限 位置信息
考勤打卡 获取设备信息权限 允许app获取设备IMEI号
考勤打卡 获取设备信息权限 允许app获取设备MAC地址,以识别考勤打卡位置
语音输入 麦克风权限 语音信息
通讯录个人详情 拨打电话权限 允许拨打电话
















您理解并同意,上述附加功能可能需要您在您的设备中开启您的位置信息 (地理位置)、摄像头(相机)、相册(图片库)、麦克风(语音)、通讯录的访问权限,以实现这些权限所涉及信息的收集和使用。您可在您的设备设置中逐项查看上述权限的状态,并可自行决定这些权限随时的开启或关闭。请您注意,您开启上述任一权限即代表您授权我们可以收集和使用相关个人信息来为您提供对应服务,您一旦关闭任一权限即代表您取消了授权,我们将不再基于对应权限继续收集和使用相关个人信息,也无法为您提供该权限所对应的服务。但是,您关闭权限的决定不会影响此前基于您的授权所进行的信息收集及使用。除此以外,我们在相关业务功能中可能还需要您开启设备的其他访问权限,详细权限和使用目的如下:




(4)android.Manifest.permission.CAMERA (申请使用摄像头权限)实现拍照



(7)android.hardware.camera.flash (申请闪光灯权限)实现拍照开启闪光灯的功能

(8)android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (申请读取文件权限)用于APP读取存储文件的数据

(9)android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (申请写入文件权限)用于APP写入数据到存储文件

(10)com.huawei.android.launcher.permission.CHANGE_BADGE (申请华为角标修改权限) 用户APP显示桌面角标数字(只在华为手机系统有效)



(13)android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO (申请录音权限)用于录音转换为文字,实现快速输入


(15)android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: 获取网络连接状态

(16)android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS 用于提高音量或者降低音量

(17)android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE: 读取手机号码,IMEI,IMSI的权限,用于统计标识唯一设备


最近更新日期:2022年 1月 17日

生效日期:2019年 4月 19日



















1.1用友雲網站:指用友雲官網(域名為:www.yonyoucloud.com) 及用友雲服務的客戶端(如APP)。







二、 適用範圍

2.1. 本隱私權政策適用於用友雲網站提供的所有用友雲服務,包括用友雲基於互聯網技術建立且享有著作權的公有雲系統服務平臺以及基於該雲平臺提供的各類企業互聯網應用服務。

2.2. 本隱私權政策不適用於其他第三方向您提供的服務。包括用友雲市場上入駐的第三方生態夥伴向您提供的服務以及用友雲市場售賣的融合型生態產品。

三、 用戶個人信息收集與使用


3.1.1. 為了向您提供服務,我們會向您發送信息、通知或與您進行業務溝通,包括但不限於為保證服務完成所必須的驗證碼、使用服務時所必要的推送通知;

3.1.2. 為了維護、改進服務,向您提供更符合您個性化需求的信息展示,我們可能將來自用友雲某項服務的個人信息與來自其他類型雲服務的信息結合起來進行用戶畫像,向您展示、推送信息和可能的商業廣告,包括但不限於關於用友雲產品的新聞以及市場活動及優惠促銷信息、用友雲合作第三方的推廣信息,或其他您可能感興趣的內容。如果您不想接收我們給您發送的商業性電子信息,您可通過短信提示回復退訂或根據信息中提供的退訂方式予以退訂;

3.1.3. 我們可能以您的用戶個人信息統計數據為基礎,設計、開發、推廣全新的產品及服務;我們會對我們的服務使用情況進行統計,並可能會與公眾或第三方分享這些統計信息,但這些統計信息在分享前會去除您的身份標識並做匿名化處理;

3.1.4. 為提高您使用我們及我們關聯公司、合作夥伴提供服務的安全性,確保操作環境安全與識別賬號異常狀態,保護您或其他用戶或公眾的人身財產安全免遭侵害,更好地預防釣魚網站、欺詐、網絡漏洞、計算機病毒、網絡攻擊、網絡侵入安全風險,更準確地識別違反法律法規或用友雲相關協議、規則的情況,我們可能使用您的您的用戶個人信息整合設備信息、有關網絡日誌以及我們關聯公司、合作夥伴合法分享的信息,來判斷您賬戶及交易風險、進行身份驗證、安全事件的檢測及防範,並依法采取必要的記錄、審計、分析、處置措施;

3.1.5. 如我們超出本款約定使用您的用戶個人信息,或者在超出具有合理範圍使用您的用戶個人信息前,我們會再次向您告知並征得您的明示同意。




您在註冊用友雲網站賬戶時,我們會收集您的如下信息:按照《移動互聯網應用程序信息服務管理規定》的要求,您如註冊用友雲移動端APP賬戶,應按照 “後臺實名、前臺自願”的原則進行實名認證。此時,我們會向您收集您的如下身份識別信息,包括:您的姓名、名稱、身份證明、出生日期、民族、國籍、性別、政治面貌、資質證明、指定聯系人、所在省份/城市、聯系地址、郵政編碼、手機號碼、電子郵件;教育工作信息,包括:您的職業、職位、工作單位、工作地點、學歷、學位、教育經歷、工作經歷;











4.1. 共享







4.1.6爲了向您提供一鍵分享服務,我們的産品集成友盟+ U-Share SDK,將收集您的設備標識信息(如IMEI/android ID/IDFA)和您需要分享的社交賬戶公開信息,以便完成一鍵分享服務。爲了您的信息安全,我們已與第三方SDK服務商進行數據安全保密約定,這些公司會嚴格遵守我們的數據隱私和安全要求。除非得到您的同意,我們不會與其共享您的個人身份信息。爲便于您更好地了解【友盟+】采集的數據類型及用途,以及如何保護您的個人信息,您可以登陸(https://www.umeng.com/policy)了解【友盟+】隱私權政策

4.2. 轉讓

4.2. 转让

4.2. 轉讓


4.2.1. 在獲取明確同意的情況下轉讓:獲得您的明確同意後,我們會向其他方轉讓您的用戶信息;

4.2.2. 在用友雲與其他法律主體者發生合並、收購或破產清算情形,或其他涉及合並、收購或破產清算情形時,如涉及到用戶信息轉讓,我們會要求新的持有您用戶信息的公司、組織繼續受本政策的約束,否則我們將要求該公司、組織和個人重新向您征求授權同意。

4.3. 公開披露



4.3.2. 或為保護用友雲及其關聯公司用戶或公眾的人身財產安全免遭侵害,我們可能依據適用的法律或用友雲平臺相關協議、規則披露關於您的用戶信息。

4.4. 共享、轉讓、公開披露用戶信息時事先征得授權同意的例外


4.4.1. 與國家安全、國防安全有關的;

4.4.2. 與公共安全、公共衛生、重大公共利益有關的;

4.4.3. 與犯罪偵查、起訴、審判和判決執行有關的;

4.4.4. 出於維護您或其他個人的生命、財產重大合法權益但又很難得到本人同意的;

4.4.5. 您自行向社會公眾公開的個人信息;


五、 用戶業務數據和公開信息


5.1. 用戶業務數據

5.1.1. 您通過用友雲提供的服務,加工、存儲、上傳、下載、分發以及通過其他方式處理的數據,均為您的用戶業務數據,您完全擁有您的用戶業務數據。用友雲作為企業雲服務提供商,我們只會嚴格執行您的指示處理您的業務數據,除按與您協商壹致或執行明確的法律法規要求外,不對您的業務數據進行任何非授權的使用或披露。

5.1.2. 您應對您的用戶業務數據來源及內容負責,用友雲提示您謹慎判斷數據來源及內容的合法性。因您的用戶業務數據內容違反法律法規、部門規章或國家政策而造成的全部結果及責任均由您自行承擔。

5.1.3 為了優化服務質量和向您提供新的產品與服務,用友雲會收集您於用友雲相關產品內的交易數據、交易過程與訂單信息進行數據分析並將上述業務數據(敏感信息除外)共享給用友雲關聯公司。

5.2. 公開信息

5.2.1. 公開信息是指您公開分享的任何信息,任何人都可以在使用和未使用用友雲網站服務期間查看或訪問這些信息。

5.2.2. 為使用用友雲網站服務,可能存在您必須公開分享的信息。例如用友雲市場為構建誠信交易環境,您的信用評價信息(星級、客戶評價)需要被公開分享。若您是服務商(賣家),您應當根據適用的法律法規和用友雲市場規則的要求,公開分享企業或者自然人經營者的相關信息。

六、 用戶個人信息的查詢、更正與刪除



登錄友空間手機客戶端,通過操作“我的 – 設置 – 帳號管理 – 更多 – 帳號註銷“以完成刪除您的個人信息,該操作是在確認刪除後立即生效的。


七、 cookie和同類技術的使用方式

7.1. 我們會在用友雲服務上使用並允許其他特定公司使用 Cookie、網絡信標以及其他同類技術。此舉是為了了解您對 用友雲服務的使用情況,改善您的用戶體驗,並實現個性化的功能和內容,優化我們的廣告和營銷,以及讓第三方廣告公司協助我們通過互聯網提供符合您興趣的廣告。

7.2. Cookie 是在您訪問網站時下載到您設備上的包含少量信息的文本文件。通過這些 Cookie,我們能記住您在用友雲網站上進行的選擇,並提供增強的、更個性化的功能。同時,我們使用自身的 Cookie 和/或第三方 Cookie 及其他標識符(如網絡信標)查看您如何使用我們的網站和服務,以便增強其性能,並根據您的偏好選擇對其進行開發。此外,我們還允許數據提供商使用 Cookie 或其他同類技術,幫助我們提供內容和廣告,並評估我們廣告活動的效果。

7.3. 您可根據自己的偏好管理Cookie,您也可以清除設備上保存的所有 Cookie。大部分網絡瀏覽器都設有阻止 Cookie 的功能。但如果您這麽做,則需要在每壹次訪問我們的網站時更改用戶設置。如需詳細了解如何更改瀏覽器設置,請訪問您使用的瀏覽器的相關設置頁面。

7.4. 除 Cookie 外,我們還會在網站上使用網站信標和像素標簽其他同類技術。例如,我們向您發送的電子郵件可能含有鏈接至我們網站內容的地址鏈接,如果您點擊該鏈接,我們則會跟蹤此次點擊,幫助我們了解您的產品或服務偏好以便於我們主動改善客戶服務體驗。網站信標通常是壹種嵌入到網站或電子郵件中的透明圖像。借助於電子郵件中的像素標簽,我們能夠獲知電子郵件是否被打開。如果您不希望自己的活動以這種方式被追蹤,則可以隨時從我們的寄信名單中退訂。

7.5. 關於友空間集成第三方SDK的說明。為保障我們客戶端的運行,享受更多的服務和功能,我們的應用中會集成授權合作夥伴的SDK或其他類似的應用程序。集成的第三方SDK詳情及收集的信息說明,參見附件二《友空間APP集成第三方SDK及收集信息說明》。我們會對授權合作夥伴的SDK和API進行嚴格的安全檢測,並與授權合作夥伴約定嚴格的數據保護措施,令其按照本條款來處理個人信息。




9.1. 我們主要面向成人提供產品和服務。如您為未成年人,我們要求您請您的父母或監護人仔細閱讀本隱私權政策,並在征得您的父母或監護人同意的前提下使用我們的服務或向我們提供信息。

9.2. 對於經父母或監護人同意使用我們的產品或服務而收集未成年人個人信息的情況,我們只會在法律法規允許、父母或監護人明確同意或者保護未成年人所必要的情況下使用、共享、轉讓或披露此信息。












10.3.4在我們收集該個人信息時,您正值或未滿 13 歲,且我們能夠驗證您的年齡。

















業務功能 申請開啟手機權限 收集的個人信息
通訊錄-添加手機聯系人 通訊錄權限 手機通訊錄信息
通訊錄-添加好友 通訊錄權限 通訊錄-添加好友
查看手機通訊錄 通訊錄權限 通訊錄-添加好友
人臉打卡 面容ID權限 人臉圖像
面容解鎖 面容ID權限 人臉圖像
指紋解鎖 指紋權限 指紋特征值
考勤打卡 位置權限 位置信息
考勤打卡 獲取設備信息權限 允許app獲取設備IMEI號
考勤打卡 獲取設備信息權限 允許app獲取設備MAC地址,以識別考勤打卡位置
更換頭像 相機、照片讀取和寫入權限 允許app讀取存儲的圖片、視頻
單聊上傳圖片或視頻 相機、照片讀取和寫入權限 允許app讀取存儲的圖片、視頻
群聊上傳圖片或視頻 相機、照片讀取和寫入權限 允許app讀取存儲的圖片、視頻
工作圈上傳圖片或視頻 相機、照片讀取和寫入權限 允許app讀取存儲的圖片、視頻
业务应用上傳圖片或視頻 相機、照片讀取和寫入權限 允許app讀取存儲的圖片、視頻
小視頻錄制 相機、照片讀取和寫入、麥克風權限 語音信息
語音輸入 麥克風權限 語音信息
語音會議/視頻會議 麥克風權限 語音信息
智多星喚醒和問答 麥克風權限 語音信息
同步手機日程功能 日歷權限 同步手機日程到友空間
通訊錄個人詳情 撥打電話權限 允許撥打電話
應用啟動 sd卡存儲權限 允許app讀取存儲文件
應用登錄 讀取手機狀態信息權限 手機狀態信息(IMEI)
來電身份識別 讀取通話記錄、懸浮窗權限 通話記錄



SDK來源 功能描述 隱私權政策鏈接 收集的個人信息
百度 人臉識別主要用於人臉簽到 https://cloud.baidu.com/doc/Agreements/s/Kjwvy245m 相機權限和訪問照片權限
高德 用於地理位置定位、考勤打卡 https://lbs.amap.com/home/privacy/ 地理位置信息、設備信息
華為 用於華為手機的通知推送 https://consumer.huawei.com/cn/privacy/privacy-policy/ 設備標識符
小米 用於小米手機的通知推送 https://dev.mi.com/console/doc/detail?pId=1822 設備標識符
魅族 用於魅族手機的通知推送 https://i.flyme.cn/privacy 設備標識符
VIVO 用於vivo手機的通知推送 https://dev.vivo.com.cn/documentCenter/doc/366 設備標識符
OPPO 用於oppo手機的通知推送 https://muc.heytap.com/document/heytap/privacyPolicy/privacyPolicy_zh-CN.html 設備標識符
騰訊 用於分享到QQ、微信 https://www.wechat.com/zh_CN/privacy_policy.html 設備標識符
隨銳科技-矚目 用於實現視頻會議的能力 https://www.zhumu.me/PrivacyPolicy.html 相機、麥克風權限
科大訊飛 用於實現語音轉文字、語音識別功能 https://www.xfyun.cn/doc/policy/privacy.html 麥克風權限
Tinker(騰訊) 在線熱修復 https://www.gitmemory.com/Tencent/tinker 設備標識符
Bugly(騰訊) 應用崩潰收集 https://static.bugly.qq.com/bugly-sdk-privacy-statement.pdf 設備標識符
友盟 數據統計、共享 https://www.umeng.com/policy 設備標識符

Yonyou Cloud Privacy Policy


Last updated: January 17, 2022

Effective date: April 19, 2019

Welcome to use UFIDA cloud products and services!

In order to protect user Info security, Yonyou Network Technologies Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yonyou Cloud" or "we") and its affiliates will take the corresponding safety precautions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Therefore, Yonyou Cloud has developed this Yonyou Cloud Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "privacy policy") and reminds you that: you must carefully read and thoroughly understand this privacy policy before using Yonyou Cloud services, and confirm that you fully understand and agree to the terms before using the related products and services. Once you start using the Yonyou Cloud services, you are deemed to have accepted and endorsed this privacy policy.

This agreement, including the validity, interpretation, modification, performance and dispute resolution of this agreement, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of PRC.

Yonyou Cloud (hereinafter referred to as "we") respects and protects user Info and will treat the Info with high degree of diligence and prudence. When you use Yonyou Cloud services, we will collect, process and disclose your Info in accordance with this privacy policy. We hope that this privacy policy will give you a clear picture of how we treat your Info, so we encourage you to read this privacy policy in its entirety to help you understand how to protect your privacy.

This privacy policy mainly includes the following contents:

1. Definitions

2. Applicable Scope

3. Collection and Use of User Personal Info

4. Means of Sharing, Transferring and Publicly Disclosing User Personal Info

5. User Business Data and Public Info

6. Query, Correction and Deletion of User Personal Info

7. Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies

8. User Personal Info Security Protection Measures

9. How do we store your personal information

10. Special Terms for User Personal Info of Minors

11. Other rights of users

12. Update of Privacy Policy

13. Our Contact Info

1. Definitions

1.1 Yonyou Cloud Website: refers to the Yonyou Cloud official website (www.yonyoucloud.com) and the Yonyou Cloud service client (such as App).

1.2 Yonyou Cloud: unless otherwise stipulated, it refers to Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd, the operator of the Yonyou Cloud website.

1.3 Yonyou Affiliated Companies: refers to the affiliated companies disclosed in the latest annual report of Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. Please refer to the official website of Shanghai Stock Exchange for details.

1.4 Users: refer to individuals, enterprises, companies, institutions, and other organizations that have received or purchased Yonyou Cloud services and products and received relevant technical and network support services. Users have civil rights and must be able to independently assume civil obligations under the laws of the People's Republic of China.

1.5 User Personal Info: refers to user Info submitted by users to Yonyou Cloud or collected by Yonyou Cloud. The above Info may be recorded electronically or by other means, and may be used alone or in combination with other Info to identify a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person.

1.6 Business Data: different from user Info, it refers to the data processed by Yonyou Cloud users through Yonyou Cloud's technical services, such as uploading, downloading, and distributing services.

1.7 Collection: refers to Yonyou Cloud's behavior of obtaining control over user personal Info, including automatic collection through user proactively providing, interaction with user or recording of user behavior, and indirect acquisition through sharing, transferring, and collection of public Info.


2. Applicable Scope

2.1. This privacy policy applies to all Yonyou Cloud services provided by the Yonyou Cloud website, including Yonyou Cloud's public cloud system service platform built based on Internet technologies and various enterprise Internet application services based on the cloud platform.

2.2. This privacy policy does not apply to the services provided to you by other third parties, including services provided to you by third-party partners in the Yonyou Cloud market and converged eco-products sold in the Yonyou Cloud market.


3. Collection and Use of User Personal Info

3.1 Our purposes of using user personal Info

3.1.1. In order to provide services to you, we will send you messages, notices or communicate with you, including but not limited to the verification codes necessary to ensure completion of the services, and pushed notifications necessary to use the services;

3.1.2. In order to maintain and improve the services, we may provide you with Info that is more in line with your individual needs. We may combine personal Info from Yonyou Cloud services with Info from other types of cloud services to create user portraits, and display or push messages and possibly commercial advertisements, including but not limited to news about Yonyou Cloud products, marketing campaigns, promotional offers, promotion Info from third-party partners of Yonyou Cloud, or other contents that may be of interest to you. If you do not want to receive commercial emails that we send to you, you can unsubscribe by the unsubscription method provided in the SMSs or messages;

3.1.3. We may design, develop and promote new products and services based on your personal Info statistics; we will collect statistics data on our service usage and may share the statistics data with the public or third parties. But we will remove your ID Info and take anonymization measures before sharing;

3.1.4. To improve the security of services provided by us and our affiliates and partners, ensure the safety of the operating environment and identify the abnormal status of account, protect the personal and property safety of you, other users or the public from being infringed, better prevent phishing websites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, cyber-attacks, network intrusions and other security risks, and more accurately identify violations of laws and regulations or Yonyou-related agreements and rules, we may use your personal Info to integrate device Info, relevant network logs and Info legally shared by our affiliates and partners to determine your account and transaction risks, conduct identity verification, security incident detection and prevention. We will also take necessary recording, auditing, analysis and disposal measures according to laws;

3.1.5. If we want to use your personal Info beyond the scope of this agreement or beyond reasonable scope, we will notify you in order to obtain your express consent first.

3.2 Scope of user personal Info we collect

Your personal Info refers to the Info that can determine your personal identity when used alone or in combination with other Info. When you or your enterprise organizes users to register and use our websites, products or services, we will collect the necessary personal Info from you or your enterprise, as follows:

3.2.1 Info Collected during Account Sign-up

When you sign up your Yonyou Cloud website account, we will collect the following Info from you: In accordance with the requirements of the "Regulations on the Management of Mobile Internet Application Info Services", if you sign up your Yonyou Cloud mobile App account, you should perform real-name authentication in accordance with the principle of "real-name at background and voluntary at the foreground". At this time, we will collect the following identification Info from you, including: your name, ID, date of birth, ethnic group, nationality, gender, political affiliation, qualification certificate, designated contact person, province/city, contact address, post code, mobile number, email, etc. Education and work Info, including: your occupation, position, company, work site, academic degree, education background, work background, etc.;

3.2.2 Info collected when using our services

When you use Yonyou Cloud services, we will collect the following Info from you: Device Info. We will receive and record the hardware Info of the device you use (such as device model, device settings, unique device identifier, etc.), and Info about the location of the device (such as IP address, GPS location, and relevant Wi-Fi access point, Bluetooth and base station) according to the specific permissions you have granted during software installation and use; Operation Info, including: your system account number, IP address, operating system version , login record, website browsing record, time on page, operating frequency, software usage record, command, browser type, browser version, screen resolution, etc.; Other Info collected according to the requirements of Yonyou Cloud services, including: your opinions and suggestions for Yonyou Cloud services, and the services, functions, usage scenarios and usage habits that you have used or used frequently.

You understand and agree that if you choose to open and manage the Yonyou Cloud services as an enterprise organization administrator, the individual users of your organization may submit or generate the corresponding Info and data while using the related functions/applications of Yonyou Cloud services (hereinafter referred to as "enterprise control data"). You acknowledge and know that the organization users are the controllers of the above enterprise control data. Yonyou Cloud only processes your personal Info/data when the organization user administrator chooses to open, manage and use the above application services. Before organization users upload the above-mentioned user personal Info, their explicit consents should be obtained in advance. Only the personal Info of the users necessary for the purpose of operation and management of the enterprise should be collected, and the users should have been fully informed of the purpose, scope and usage of data collected.

3.3 How we collect user personal Info

3.3.1 We will collect and store the personal Info provided by you when you sign up, log in, browse, and/or use the Yonyou Cloud products and services.

3.3.2 We will collect and store the personal Info about you recorded by Yonyou Cloud during providing you with the Yonyou Cloud services;

3.3.3 Yonyou Cloud will collect and store the personal Info that you have submitted or fed back on your own initiative through the customer service staff and/or other channels of Yonyou Cloud;

3.3.4 We collect and store the legally-acquired personal Info about you from our affiliates, business partners, and third-party independent sources;

3.3.5 We may check your relevant credit Info, such as credit scores and credit reports, to the credit reporting agencies established according to laws.


4. Means of Sharing, Transferring and Publicly Disclosing User Personal Info

4.1. Sharing

We will not share your personal Info with other organizations or individuals, with the following exceptions:

4.1.1. Sharing with explicit consent: after obtaining your explicit consent, we will share your user Info with others;

4.1.2. Sharing under statutory circumstances: we may share your user Info in accordance with laws and regulations, litigation, arbitration, or in accordance with the requirements of administrative and judicial authorities;

4.1.3. Sharing with affiliates: in order to prompt our products and services based on the Yonyou Cloud website, we will recommend Info that may be of interest to you; also to identify account anomalies, and protect the personal and property safety of Yonyou Cloud affiliates, other users or the public from infringement, we may share your personal Info with our affiliates.

4.1.4. Sharing with authorized partners: if some of the services you use through Yonyou Cloud are provided by Yonyou Cloud suppliers, partners or third-party authorized partners in the Yonyou Cloud market, Yonyou Cloud will share with them the user personal Info necessary for these products and services; in addition, in order to carry out marketing activities together with the above-mentioned third-party authorized partners, Yonyou Cloud may share with them the relevant personal Info necessary for the activities and the Info generated during the activities;

4.1.5 We will sign strict confidentiality agreements and Info protection agreements with the companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share user Info, and require them to follow our instructions, this privacy policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures when handling user Info.

4.1.6 To provide one-key sharing service, our product has UMENG+ U-Share SDK integrated and will collect the ID Info of your equipment (such as IMEI, android ID, IDFA, etc.) and the public account Info of the social media you want to share to. To guarantee your Info security, we have made an agreement about data security with the third-part SDK service providers. Those companies will strictly obey the data privacy and security rules. Without your permission, we will never share your ID Info with them. If you want to better understand the data type and usage in UMENG+ and learn how to protect your personal information, please go to(https://www.umeng.com/policy)to view its privacy policy.

4.2. Transferring

We will not transfer your user Info to any companies, organizations or individuals, with the following exceptions:

4.2.1. Transferring with explicit consent: after obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your user Info to others;

4.2.2. In the case of mergers, acquisitions or bankruptcy liquidation of Yonyou Cloud and other legal entities, or other circumstances involving mergers, acquisitions or bankruptcy liquidation, if it involves the transfer of user Info, we will ask the corresponding companies or organizations continue to be bound by this policy, otherwise we will require the companies, companies and individuals to request for user consents again.

4.3. Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal Info in the following situations:

4.3.1 We may publicly disclose your user Info by obtaining your explicit consent or based on your active choice;

4.3.2. In order to protect the personal and property safety of users of Yonyou Cloud and its affiliates or the public, we may disclose user Info in accordance with applicable laws or Yonyou Cloud platform related agreements and rules.

4.4. Exceptions to prior authorization and consent to sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing user Info

In the following cases, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your user Info does not require prior authorization and consent from you:

4.4.1. Related to national security and national defense security;

4.4.2. Related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

4.4.3. Relevant to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials and execution of judgments;

4.4.4. It is difficult to obtain user consent for the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals, such as life and property;

4.4.5. Personal Info that you disclose to the public on your own;

4.4.6. Collect personal Info from legally publicly disclosed Info, such as legitimate news reports, government Info disclosure and other channels.


5. User Business Data and Public Info

Unlike user Info, Yonyou Cloud will handle user business data and public Info as follows:

5.1. User Business Data

5.1.1. The data you process, store, upload, download, and distribute, as well as the data you processed in other ways through the services provided by Yonyou Cloud are your business data, which are completely owned by you. As an enterprise cloud service provider, Yonyou Cloud will only process your business data in strict accordance with your instructions. We will not make any unauthorized use or disclosure of your business data unless you agree or do so as required by express laws and regulations.

5.1.2. You are responsible for the sources and contents of your user business data, and Yonyou Cloud prompts you to carefully judge the legality of the data sources and contents. For your user business data contents in violation of laws, regulations, rules or national policies, all results and responsibilities are at your own risk.

5.1.3 In order to optimize the quality of services and provide you with new products and services, Yonyou Cloud will collect transaction data, transaction process and order Info from your Yonyou Cloud related products for data analysis and share the above business data (except sensitive Info) with Yonyou Cloud affiliates.

5.2. Public Info

5.2.1. Public Info refers to any Info you share publicly, which can be viewed or accessed by anyone while using or not using the Yonyou Cloud website services.

5.2.2. In order to use the Yonyou Cloud website services, you may need to share some Info publicly. For example, in order to build a credible trading environment in the Yonyou Cloud market, your credit rating Info (star rating, customer evaluation) needs to be shared publicly. If you are a service provider (seller), you should publicly share Info about the business or natural person operator in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and Yonyou Cloud market rules.


6. Query, Correction and Deletion of User Personal Info

You can view the registration Info you provided to Yonyou Cloud and the other Info generated during the use of the Yonyou Cloud platform. If you wish to delete or correct your Info, please contact us via Yonyou Cloud's special customer privacy email (privacy@yonyou.com). After you apply to unregister or delete your account, we will complete it within 30 working days.

In addition, if you are a personal user of YouZone, you can also delete your personal Info by the following method:

Log into the YouZone mobile app, and select Me - Settings - Account Mgmt - More - Account Unregistration. The operation takes effective immediately after confirming the deletion.

After you or we assist you to delete the relevant Info, we may not be able to delete the corresponding Info from our backup system immediately due to the applicable laws and security technologies. We will securely store your personal Info and isolate it from any further processing until the backup can be cleared or anonymized.


7. Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies

7.1. We use cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies on Yonyou Cloud services and allow other specific companies to them. This is to understand your use of Yonyou Cloud services, improve your user experience, personalize features and contents, optimize our advertising and marketing campaigns, and let third-party advertising companies help us provide ads that match your interests.

7.2. A cookie is a text file containing a small amount of Info that is downloaded to your device when you visit a website. With cookies, we can remember the choices you make on the Yonyou Cloud website and provide enhanced, more personalized features. At the same time, we use our own cookies and/or third-party cookies and other identifiers (such as web beacons) to understand how you use our websites and services to enhance their performance and develop them based on your preferences. In addition, we allow data providers to use cookies or other similar technologies to help us deliver contents and ads, and to evaluate the effects of our advertising campaigns.

7.3. You can manage cookies according to your preferences, and you can also clear all cookies stored on your devices. Most web browsers have the function to block cookies. But if you want to do this, you will need to change the user settings each time you visit our website. For more Info on how to change your browser settings, please visit the relevant setting page of the browser you are using.

7.4. In addition to cookies, we also use other similar technologies such as web beacons and pixel tags on our website. For example, the emails we send to you may contain links to the contents of our websites. If you click on the links, we will track the click to help us understand your product or service preferences so that we can proactively improve customer service experience. A web beacon is usually a transparent image that is embedded in a website or email. With the pixel tags in emails, we can tell if the emails are opened. If you don't want your activities to be tracked this way, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time.

7.5. Description about the integrated third-party SDKs in YouZone. To ensure the normal operation of our client and enrich our services and functions, YouZone integrates the SDKs of our authorized partners or other similar applications. For the details of the integrated third-party SDKs and the description of the collected Info, please refer to "Appendix 2 Description about the integrated third-party SDKs and collected Info of YouZone App". We conduct strict security inspections on the SDKs and APIs of our authorized partners, and implement comprehensive data protection measures in order to ensure that the collected personal Info will be processed in strict accordance with this clause.


8. User Personal Info Security Protection Measures

Yonyou Cloud and our affiliates will adopt strict security systems and common industry security technologies and procedures to ensure that your personal Info is not lost, disclosed, damaged or misused. Our suppliers, partners or third-party service providers settled in the Yonyou Cloud Platform will be subject to the confidentiality agreements, and will also be subject to data access control and operation monitoring.


9. Special Terms for User Personal Info of Minors

9.1. We mainly provide our products and services to adults under the laws of PRC and the laws of the country, nation, state or area of which you reside as the legal subject. If you are a minor, we request that you ask your parents or guardians to read this privacy policy carefully and obtain their consents before using our services or providing us with your personal Info.

9.2. In the case of collection of personal Info of a minor with consents of parents or guardians, we will only use, share, transfer or disclose the Info where laws and regulations permit, parents or guardians explicitly agree or protect minors as necessary.

10. Special User Terms for EU Residents

For personal Info collected by Yonyou Cloud, if you are an EU resident, you have the following special rights, as detailed below:

10.1 Authentication and Request

Before responding to any request to exercise your rights under this special clause, Yonyou Cloud will request verification of your identity and request that you detail the request to exercise the following rights. For your request to exercise your rights, we will respond within 30 days of your explanation (if the situation is complicated, the time limit may be extended to 60 days). If you want to exercise this right, please contact us through Yonyou Cloud's customer privacy email (privacy@yonyou.com).

10.2 Access and correction of personal Info

Upon your request, Yonyou Cloud will inform you whether we have collected your personal Info; if we did, you also have the right to know the type of Info we collected, usage method and shared objects. You have the right to access and correct your personal Info at any time by logging into your Yonyou Cloud website account.

10.3 Deletion of personal Info

For the personal Info collected by Yonyou Cloud, you can log in to your Yonyou Cloud platform account and follow the instructions on the corresponding page to delete your account or remove the specific personal Info:

10.3.1 You believe that we no longer need to hold your personal Info;

10.3.2 We have obtained your consent to process your personal Info but you withdraw the consent afterwards (and we have no other reason to process the personal Info);

10.3.3 You believe that we have processed your personal Info in an illegal manner; or

10.3.4 When we collect your personal Info, you are at or under the age of 13, and we are able to verify your age.

10.4 Processing of personal Info limited to storage purpose

For the personal Info collected by Yonyou Cloud, you have the right to request Yonyou Cloud to stop processing such personal Info except for storage purpose in the following cases:

10.4.1 You believe that the personal Info is incorrect (limited to the period during which we verify whether it is correct);

10.4.2 It is illegal to process the personal Info, we therefore wish to remove the Info, but you want us to keep that Info and only store it; or

10.4.3 Yonyou Cloud no longer has to process the personal Info and therefore wishes to delete it, but you request that the Info be stored in order to make, claim or counter legal remedies.

10.5 Portability of personal Info

You have the right to obtain a copy of the personal Info collected by Yonyou Cloud. You have the right to obtain this Info in a structured, versatile and machine-readable format. You also have the right to ask Yonyou Cloud to transfer the personal Info to another person or exercise the right to export the data. If you wish to use Yonyou Cloud to transfer the above personal Info to a third party, please ensure that you will inform the third party in detail. Please note that Yonyou Cloud can only transfer Info if it is technically feasible. Once the third party receives the personal Info, Yonyou Cloud is not responsible for the security of the Info or how it is handled. If providing certain personal Info affects the rights of others, we may not be able to provide it to you (for example, providing personal Info will reveal Info about others, Yonyou Cloud or any third party's trade secrets or intellectual property Info).

10.6 Right to refuse collection and use of personal Info

If you have previously agreed to Yonyou Cloud's collection and use of your personal Info, you may withdraw any prior consent to us and have the right to refuse us to use such personal Info, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations.

10.7 Cross-border transfer of personal Info

If your personal data is transferred by Yonyou Cloud to a country or region of the same data protection level that is not recognized by the European Union, Yonyou Cloud will adopt various legal mechanisms (including but not limited to, signing standard contract terms approved by the European Commission, requesting your consent to the transfer of personal Info across borders or implementing security measures such as data anonymity prior to cross-border data transfer) to regulate the transfer of personal Info to third-party countries or regions.


11. Update of Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy in due course. When the terms and conditions change, we will show you the changed privacy policy in the form of website announcement, pushed notification, or pop-up window when you log in and the version is updated. Once you continue to use Yonyou Cloud services, you will be deemed to accept and endorse the updated privacy policy.


12. Our Contact Info

If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy or the practice and operation of this privacy policy, you can contact us through Yonyou Cloud's customer privacy email (privacy@yonyou.com).



Appendix 1: YouZone’s Functions, Permissions, and the Personal Info Collected by It

Functions Mobile Permissions Required Collected Personal Info
Contacts - Add from phone contacts Contacts Phone Contacts
Contacts - Add friends Contacts Phone Contacts
View Phone Contacts Contacts Phone Contacts
Face Check-in Face ID Face Image
Unlock by Face Recognition Face ID Face Image
Unlock with Fingerprint Fingerprint Fingerprint Feature Value
Check-in Location Location
Check-in Obtain device Info Allow app to obtain the IMEI No. of the device to support attendance identification
Check-in Obtain device Info Allow app to obtain the MAC address of the device to identify the check-in location
Change Profile Photo Camera, and read/write permissions of album Photos and videos
Upload pictures or videos in chat Camera, and read/write permissions of album Photos and videos
Upload pictures or videos in group chat Camera, and read/write permissions of album Photos and videos
Upload pictures or videos to Moments Camera, and read/write permissions of album Photos and videos
Upload pictures or videos to Business application Camera, and read/write permissions of album Photos and videos
Record Short Video Microphone, camera, and read/write permissions of album Voice
Voice Input Microphone Voice
Voice/Video Meeting Microphone Voice
Wake up YonMaster for Q&A Microphone Voice
Synchronize with phone Calendar Schedule
Personal details in Contacts Phone Call phone numbers
Start app SD card storage Allow apps to access files stored on your device
Log in app Phone status Info Phone status Info(IMEI)
Identify caller ID Phone call history access、Floating dock Phone call history access

You understand and agree that the permissions against contacts, geographic location, camera, microphone, album, and calendar required by the above services will be granted only by your explicit authorization, and will only be used for the related functions or services. You can check the status of the above permissions on your device and cancel the authorization at any time. Furthermore, even if we've obtained these sensitive permissions through your authorization, we will not collect these Info unless it's necessary for the related functions and services.

Appendix 2 Description about the integrated third-party SDKs and collected Info of YouZone App

SDK Source Function Description Privacy Policy Link Personal Info Collected
Baidu Face recognition which mainly used for check-in https://cloud.baidu.com/doc/Agreements/s/Kjwvy245m Camera and album permissions
Amap Used for positioning and check-in https://lbs.amap.com/home/privacy/ Geographical location and device Info
Huawei Used to push Huawei mobile notifications https://consumer.huawei.com/cn/privacy/privacy-policy/ Device identifier
Xiaomi Used to push Xiaomi mobile notifications https://dev.mi.com/console/doc/detail?pId=1822 Device identifier
Meizu Used to push Meizu mobile notifications https://i.flyme.cn/privacy Device identifier
VIVO Used to push vivo mobile notifications https://dev.vivo.com.cn/documentCenter/doc/366 Device identifier
OPPO Used to push OPPO mobile notifications https://muc.heytap.com/document/heytap/privacyPolicy/privacyPolicy_zh-CN.html Device identifier
Tencent Used to share to QQ/WeChat https://www.wechat.com/zh_CN/privacy_policy.html Device identifier
Suirui Group - Zhumu Used for video meetings https://www.zhumu.me/PrivacyPolicy.html Camera and microphone permissions
iFLYTEK Used for voice-to-text and voice recognition https://www.xfyun.cn/doc/policy/privacy.html Microphone permission
Tinker(Tencent) Online Hotfix https://www.gitmemory.com/Tencent/tinker Device Identifier
Bugly(Tencent) App Crash Log Collection https://static.bugly.qq.com/bugly-sdk-privacy-statement.pdf Device Identifier
umeng Data Statistics and Share https://www.umeng.com/policy Device Identifier