
本版发布日期:2023年 10月 7日

生效日期:2023年 10月 7日























1.1. 友费控:友费控是我们提供的一款支持在移动端进行报销的工具。友费控客户端(包括但不限于Windows、Mac、iOS、Android多个应用版本)。

1.2. 友费控运营主体:指提供友费控和相关服务的法律主体,为用友网络科技股份有限公司,注册地为北京市海淀区北清路68号用友产业园。本隐私指引中简称“我们”。

1.3. 友费控关联公司:指用友网络科技股份有限公司最新上市年报披露的关联公司,具体详见上海证券交易所官方网站。

1.4. 友费控企业/组织用户:指注册、登录、使用友费控产品及服务并获得管理权限的个人或组织,包括但不限于法人(如公司、政府机构、事业单位)、非法人组织(如合伙企业)、个体工商户。

1.5. 友费控企业/组织管理员:指经友费控企业/组织用户授权或指定,拥有友费控企业/组织用户管理平台系统操作权限,代表企业/组织开通、管理和使用友费控服务的友费控个人用户。

1.6. 友费控个人用户:指被企业用户/组织管理员注册加入友费控,注册使用友费控的个人用户,个人用户不具有友费控企业组织管理员权限。以下称“您”。当企业用户、企业用户管理员将您的信息作为个人用户注册到友费控后,您方可登录进入友费控客户端。

1.7. 用户个人信息:指以电子或者其他方式记录的与已识别或者可识别的自然人有关的各种信息,不包括匿名化处理后的信息。友费控收集的用户个人信息是企业用户主动向友费控提交的用户信息,这些信息可能包括但不限于您的姓名、手机号、邮箱、性别、公司、部门、职位、职务、级别、工号、直属领导、入职时间、员工驻地。企业组织用户上传您的个人信息至友费控之前,应确保已经事先获得您的明确同意,并已充分告知您相关数据收集的目的、范围及使用方式。

1.8. 敏感个人信息:敏感个人信息是一旦泄露或者非法使用,容易导致自然人的人格尊严受到侵害或者人身、财产安全受到危害的个人信息,包括生物识别、宗教信仰、特定身份、医疗健康、金融账户、行踪轨迹等信息,以及不满十四周岁未成年人的个人信息。

1.9. 业务数据:不同于用户信息,是指友费控的用户利用友费控的服务上传、下载、分发通过友费控的技术服务处理的数据。

1.10. 收集:指友费控获得对用户的个人信息的控制权的行为,包括由用户主动提供、通过与用户交互或记录用户行为自动采集,以及通过共享、转让、搜集公开信息间接获取方式。

1.11. 个人信息控制者:有权决定个人信息处理目的、方式的组织或个人。本隐私权政策的友费控服务中的部分个人信息控制者为友费控企业/组织用户及友费控企业/组织管理员。

二、 适用范围

2.1. 本隐私权政策适用于友费控客户端(包括但不限于Windows、Mac、iOS、Android多个应用版本)。

2.2. 本隐私权政策不适用于其他第三方向您提供的服务。包括友费控市场上入驻的第三方生态伙伴向您提供的服务以及友费控市场售卖的融合型生态产品。

三、 用户个人信息收集与使用





3.1.1. 为了向您提供服务,我们会向您发送信息、通知或与您进行业务沟通,包括但不限于为保证服务完成所必须的验证码、使用服务时所必要的推送通知;

3.1.2. 我们可能以您的用户个人信息统计数据为基础,设计、开发、推广全新的产品及服务;我们会对我们的服务使用情况进行统计,并可能会与公众或第三方分享这些统计信息,但这些统计信息在分享前会去除您的身份标识并做匿名化处理;

3.1.3. 为提高您使用我们及我们关联公司、合作伙伴提供服务的安全性,确保操作环境安全与识别账号异常状态,保护您或其他用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,更好地预防钓鱼网站、欺诈、网络漏洞、计算机病毒、网络攻击、网络侵入等安全风险,更准确地识别违反法律法规或用友云相关协议、规则的情况,我们可能使用您的用户个人信息整合设备信息、有关网络日志以及我们关联公司、合作伙伴合法分享的信息,来判断您账户及交易风险、进行身份验证、安全事件的检测及防范,并依法采取必要的记录、审计、分析、处置措施;

3.1.4. 如我们超出本款约定使用您的用户个人信息,或者在超出具有合理范围使用您的用户个人信息前,我们会再次向您告知并征得您的明示同意。

3.1.5. 当您使用移动客户端时,我们向您提供您所选择使用的服务,或者保证服务的质量和体验,可能需要您授权开启操作系统权限。如果您不同意授权APP获取相关操作系统权限,不会影响您使用我们提供的包括但不限于友费控线上申请、报销基本业务功能,但您可能无法获得附加服务给您带来的用户体验(如发票识别、智能填单功能)。


3.2.1 实现使用移动端所必须的功能

您的个人信息是指单独使用或结合其他信息使用时能够确定您个人身份的信息。您或您所在的企业组织用户注册、使用我们的产品与/或服务时,我们会向其收集您的必要个人信息,具体如下: 登录账户时收集的信息



1) 报销服务: 当您使用报销服务时,友费控将会根据您所在的企业主动提供的您的个人信息包括但不限于您的手机号、邮箱、性别、公司、部门、职位、职务、级别、工号、直属领导、入职时间、员工驻地进行计算您的报销标准,以及进行报销打款到您的银行账户。

2) 审批服务: 当您查看审批情况时,我们将会收集您或您所在的企业主动上传的头像和个人信息向您展示审批流程状态。

3.2.2 您可自主选择提供的个人信息的情形

1) 发票采集服务: 当您使用发票采集服务时,如果您上传的发票具有您的个人信息,比如您的姓名,我们将收集该信息。

2) 我的委托服务: 当您建立委托关系,委托他人进行报销时,您能选择的代理人信息,是由您所在的企业所提供的。

3) 报表服务: 您所能查看到的看板内容及信息,均是由您所在的企业授权给您的信息。



3.3. 我们收集您的个人信息的方式






4.1. 委托处理

4.1.1. 为了提高效率、降低成本,我们可能会委托关联公司或其他外部专业服务商代表我们来处理您的个人信息。对我们委托处理个人信息的公司、组织和个人,我们会通过签署书面协议、审计等方式要求其遵守严格的保密义务并采取有效的保密措施,要求其只能在委托范围内处理您的信息,而不得出于其自身利益使用您的信息。

4.2. 共享


4.2.1. 在获取明确同意的情况下共享:获得您的明确同意后,我们会与其他方共享您的用户信息;


4.2.3. 与关联公司间共享:为便于我们基于友费控向您提供产品和服务,识别账号异常,保护友费控关联公司或其他用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,经您的明确同意,您的用户个人信息可能会与我们的关联公司共享。

4.2.4. 与授权合作伙伴共享:如果您通过友费控使用的某些服务是由友费控的供应商、合作伙伴或入驻友费控市场的第三方授权合作伙伴提供的,经您的明确同意,您的用户个人信息可能会与我们的关联公司共享;此外,为了与上述第三方授权合作伙伴共同开展市场推广活动,经您的明确同意,友费控可能与其共享开展活动所必需的以及在活动过程中产生的您的相关个人信息;您可 点击此处 查看友费控APP共享数据收集明细

4.2.5. 对我们与之共享用户信息的公司、组织和个人,我们会与其签署严格的保密协议以及信息保护约定,要求他们按照我们的说明、本隐私权政策以及其他任何相关的保密和安全措施来处理用户信息。

4.3. 转让


4.3.1. 在获取明确同意的情况下转让:获得您的明确同意后,我们会向其他方转让您的用户信息;

4.3.2. 在友费控与其他法律主体者发生合并、收购或破产清算情形,或其他涉及合并、收购或破产清算情形时,如涉及到用户信息转让,我们会要求新的持有您用户信息的公司、组织继续受本政策的约束,否则我们将要求该公司、组织和个人重新向您征求授权同意。

4.4. 公开披露


4.4.1. 获得您明确同意或基于您的主动选择,我们可能会公开披露您的用户信息;

4.4.2. 或为保护友费控及其关联公司用户或公众的人身财产安全免遭侵害,我们可能依据适用的法律或友费控平台相关协议、规则披露关于您的用户信息。

4.5. 共享、转让、公开披露用户信息时事先征得授权同意的例外


4.5.1. 与国家安全、国防安全有关的;

4.5.2. 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益有关的;

4.5.3. 与犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行有关的;

4.5.4. 出于维护您或其他个人的生命、财产重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的;


4.5.6. 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开渠道。

五、 用户业务数据和公开信息


5.1 用户业务数据

5.1.1. 您通过友费控提供的服务,加工、存储、上传、下载、分发以及通过其他方式处理的数据,均为您的用户业务数据,您完全拥有您的用户业务数据。友费控作为企业云服务提供商,我们只会严格执行您的指示处理您的业务数据,除按与您协商一致或执行明确的法律法规要求外,不对您的业务数据进行任何非授权的使用或披露。

5.1.2. 您应对您的用户业务数据来源及内容负责,友费控提示您谨慎判断数据来源及内容的合法性。因您的用户业务数据内容违反法律法规、部门规章或国家政策而造成的全部结果及责任均由您自行承担。

5.2. 公开信息

5.2.1. 公开信息是指您公开分享的任何信息,任何人都可以在使用和未使用友费控服务期间查看或访问这些信息。

六、 用户权利条款


6.1.1. 您可以查看您提供给友费控的登录信息及使用友费控平台过程中产生的其他信息,您可以随时登入您的友费控客户端账户来查询您的个人信息。具体查看路径为【我的个人头像】。

6.1.2. 若您需要更正您的个人信息,需要联系您的企业管理员,由企业管理员进行更改;

6.1.3. 对于友费控收集的个人信息,如存在下述情形,您可以登入您的友费控平台账户,并依照相应页面的指示来删除您的账户,或移除特定个人信息:






6.1.4. 若您从您的企业离职后,您的数据将由您所在企业的管理员进行删除或者发送邮件到(youfeikong@yonyou.com)与我们联系,我们会在15个工作日内响应并完成您的上述请求。

6.2. 个人信息仅限存储目的而处理


6.2.1. 您认为该个人信息不正确(限于我们验证其是否正确之期间内);

6.2.2. 处理该个人信息为非法,我们因此希望消除该个人信息,但您希望我们保留该信息并仅存储

6.2.3. 友费控再无必要处理该个人信息并因此希望删除该个人信息,但您要求存储该信息,以便提出、主张或对抗法律救济。


6.3. 个人信息的可携带性

6.3.1. 对于友费控收集的个人信息,您有权取得副本。您有权以结构化、通用且机器可读之格式获得此信息。您可以通过您所在的企业管理员获取您的个人信息副本,或者发送邮件到(youfeikong@yonyou.com)与我们联系,我们会在15个工作日内响应并完成您的上述请求。您也有权要求友费控将该个人信息移转给其他人或行使导出数据的权利。若您希望友费控将上述个人信息移转给第三方,请确保您会详述该第三方。如您要行使以上权利,请通过友费控的客户隐私专用邮箱(youfeikong@yonyou.com)与我们联系,我们会在15个工作日内响应并完成您的上述请求。请注意,友费控仅在技术上可行的情况下才能转移信息。一旦该第三方接收该个人信息后,对该信息之安全与否或对其处理方式,友费控概不负责。若提供特定个人信息会影响他人权利,则我们可能无法将之提供给您(如提供该个人信息会揭露他人信息、友费控或任何第三方的商业秘密或知识产权信息)。

6.4. 个人信息收集和使用的拒绝权

6.4.1. 如您之前已同意友费控收集并使用您的个人信息,在适用法律与规定的允许范围内,您可以撤回先前授予给我们的任何同意并有权拒绝我们使用该个人信息。您可以在设备本身操作系统中设置关闭相关权限,撤回您的授权;您也可以通过友费控的客户隐私专用邮箱(youfeikong@yonyou.com)与我们联系,我们会在15个工作日内响应并完成您的上述请求,撤回授权后我们将不再收集与该权限相关的信息。

6.5. 注销账号

6.5.1. 当您所在企业/组织用户注销友费控企业组织时,我们将会匿名化处理您在该组织的相关个人信息,但您作为友费控个人用户的个人信息仍将保留,除非您主动注销您的友费控个人账户。在您主动注销友费控个人账户之后,我们将停止为您提供友费控服务,并根据适用法律的要求对您的个人信息做匿名化处理。

6.5.2. 如果您希望注销您的个人账号,请通过友费控的客户隐私专用邮箱(youfeikong@yonyou.com)与我们联系,我们会在15个工作日内响应并完成您的请求。

6.5.3. 此外若您作为友费控app个人用户时,您可以通过以下方式自动进行:登录友费控app手机客户端,通过操作【我的设置账号管理账号注销】以完成删除您的个人信息,该操作是在确认删除后立即生效的。

6.6. 更多的友费控APP功能、权限与收集的个人信息可参见附件二《友费控APP功能、权限与收集的个人信息》

七、 关于友费控APP集成第三方SDK的说明

7.1 关于友费控APP集成第三方SDK的说明:为保障我们客户端的运行,享受更多的服务和功能,我们的应用中会集成授权合作伙伴的SDK或其他类似的应用程序。集成的第三方SDK详情及收集的信息说明,您可参见《友费控APP涉及数据共享的第三方SDK及收集信息说明》 《友费控APP不涉及数据共享的第三方SDK及收集信息说明》。为了您的信息安全,我们已与第三方SDK服务商进行数据安全保密约定,这些公司会严格遵守我们的数据隐私和安全要求。除非得到您的同意,我们不会与其共享您的个人身份信息。





用友公司目前已通过包括但不限于等级保护三级、ISO27001(信息安全管理体系认证)、ISO/IEC 27017( 云服务信息安全 管理体系 ) 和 ISO/IEC 27018(公有云个人信息安全管理体系)在内的安全认证。



9.1. 存储地点:我们将在中华人民共和国境内运营的友费控服务中收集和产生的个人信息存储在中华人民共和国境内。如涉及向境外传输个人信息,我们将明确向您告知个人信息出境的目的、接收方、安全保障措施情况,并另行征得您的同意。

9.2. 存储期限:我们会采取合理可行的措施存储您的个人信息,尽力避免收集无关的个人信息。我们只会在限于达成本政策所述目的所需的期限以及所适用法律法规所要求的期限内保留您的个人信息。友费控将依据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》的要求,就您使用友费控应用服务留存相关的网络日志不少于六个月。





10.1. 我们非常重视对未成年人信息的保护。友费控产品及服务不提供给任何16周岁以下的未成年人,如您未满16周岁,请勿使用我们的产品及服务。如果我们发现在未事先获得可证实的父母或法定监护人明确同意的情况下收集了未成年人的个人信息,将会采取措施尽快删除相关数据。若您为未成年人的父母或监护人,发现在未事先获得可证实的父母或监护人明确同意的情况下收集了未成年人的个人信息,请通过youfeikong@yonyou.com与我们联系,我们会在15个工作日内响应并完成您的请求。


11.1. 我们可能会适时对本隐私权进行更新。当相关条款发生变更时,我们会在你登录及版本更新时以推送通知、弹窗的形式向你展示变更后的隐私权政策。届时需要您再次同意最新版的隐私协议,方可继续使用友费控服务

11.2.如果您想了解友费控隐私政策历史版本,请 点击此处









业务功能 收集的个人信息 收集目的和场景
登陆认证 手机号和邮箱 手机号和邮箱用于登录身份认证及实名认证
报销服务 企业主动提供的个人信息 用于计算报销标准。
审批服务 头像、姓名 用于展示审批流程。
发票采集服务 上传的若是个人抬头的发票将收集姓名信息 用于发票识别报销。
我的委托服务 企业主动提供的代理报销人的个人信息 用于代理报销。
报表服务 个人或企业在使用服务时留下的业务信息 用于看板分析展示。
小友智能语音 用户使用该功能时的语音、用户当前的地理位置 语音用于读取用户指令、地理位置用于查询当地天气情况
私车公用 用户当前的地理位置 用于定位进行里程记录


业务功能 申请开启手机权限 收集的个人信息
发票识别、采集、上传 相机、照片读取和写入权限 读取需要上传的发票图片
小友智能语音 麦克风权限 读取麦克风权限进行语音识别
小友智能语音 地理位置权限 获得当前地理位置信息
附件上传 包括但不限于PDF、word在内的本机文件的读取和写入权限 读取需要上传的图片、视频、pdf格式的本地文件
应用启动 sd卡存储权限 读取手机状态信息(IMEI,IDFV,IP)
应用登录 读取手机状态信息权限 手机状态信息(IMEI,IDFV,IP)
私车公用 地理位置权限 获得当前地理位置信息
用户实名认证 用户实名认证 手机号码


SDK来源 功能描述 隐私权政策链接 收集的个人信息
华为 华为SDK,用于华为手机的通知推送 https://www.huawei.com/cn/privacy-policy
会收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID、IDFV 、IP和MAC地址。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、读取应用列表、应用版本、SDK版本。
小米 小米SDK.用于小米手机的通知推送 http://www.miui.com/res/doc/eula/cn.html
会收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID、IDFV、IP和MAC地址,以及您的MID(适用于MIUI系统)。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、应用版本、SDK版本。
魅族 魅族SDK,用于魅族手机的通知推送 https://www.flyme.com/agreement
会收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID、IDFV、IP和MAC地址。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、应用版本、SDK版本。
VIVO VIVO SDK,用于vivo手机的通知推送 https://www.vivo.com.cn/about-vivo/privacy-policy
设会收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID、IDFV、IP和MAC地址。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、应用版本、SDK版本。
OPPO OPPO SDK,用于oppo手机的通知推送 https://privacy.oppo.com/cn/overview/
会收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID、IDFV、IP和MAC地址。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、应用版本、SDK版本。
支付宝支付SDK 用于启动支付宝支付功能 https://render.alipay.com/p/yuyan/180020010001196791/preview.html?agreementId=AG00000132 会尝试写入SDCard数据(创建),收集您的设备标识信息,包括IMEI /OAID(适用于Android Q以上系统) 、IMEI MD5/MEIDMD5、Android ID、VAID、AAID、IDFV、IP和MAC地址。您使用的设备型号、网络类型、设备存储、设备运行进程信息、应用版本、SDK版本。
科大讯飞 科大讯飞SDK,用于语音录制,语音转换文字 https://www.xfyun.cn/doc/policy/privacy.html 使用设备麦克风录音,访问外部存储内容,访问设备标识(OAID、VAID、AAID、UDID)、设备相关信息(IMEI,Serial Number,IMSI,User ID,Android ID,Google Advertising ID,手机Region设置,设备型号),、IDFV、IP修改应用设置项
小友智能语音 小友智能语音SDK,用于小友智能识别的功能 https://rpa.diwork.com/product.html 会收集您的设备IP和Mac地址、位置,唯一设备识别码(IMEI/androidID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID、SIM卡IMSI信息)
小友智能语音 小友智能语音SDK,用于小友智能识别的功能 https://rpa.diwork.com/product.html 会收集您的设备IDFV、IP和Mac地址、位置,唯一设备识别码(IMEI/androidID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID、SIM卡IMSI信息)















Yon CC Privacy Policy


Release date: October 07, 2023

Effective date: October 07, 2023

Welcome to Yon CC products and services!

In order to protect your user information, Yon CC will take safety precautions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. For this purpose, Yon CC has developed this Yon CC Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "privacy policy") and reminds you that: you must carefully read and thoroughly understand this privacy policy before using Yon CC services, and confirm that you fully understand and agree to the terms before using the related products and services. By using the services provided by Yon CC, you accept and agree to this privacy policy.

Yon CC (hereinafter referred to as "we") respects and protects user information and will treat the information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. When you use Yon CC services, we will collect, process and disclose your information in accordance with this privacy policy. We hope that this privacy policy will give you a clear picture of how we treat your information, so we encourage you to read this privacy policy in its entirety to help you understand how to protect your privacy.


It is recommended that you carefully read the Privacy Policy (especially the contents in bold) and become familiar with Yon CC's rules for the processing of your personal information. If you have any questions about the content of this document, you may consult us via the contact details listed herein.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this privacy policy, you may contact us at:


Address: Yonyou Industry Park, No.68 Beiqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing

This privacy policy mainly includes the following contents:

1. Definitions

2. Applicable Scope

3. Collection and Use of User Personal Information

4. Means of Sharing, Transferring and Publicly Disclosing User Personal Information

5. User Business Data and Public Information

6. User Rights

7. Statement on Third-party SDKs Integrated into the Yon CC App

8. User Personal Information Security Protection Measures

9. How We Store User Personal Information

10. Special Terms for User Personal Information of Minors

11. Update of Privacy Policy

12. Complaints and Reporting

13. Our Contact Information

1. Definitions

1.1. Yon CC: refers to a tool we provide to support reimbursement on the mobile end. The Yon CC client includes but is not limited to multiple application versions for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

1.2. Yon CC operating entity: refers to the legal entity providing Yon CC and related services, Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd., with the registered address of Yonyou Industry Park, No.68 Beiqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing. It is referred to as "we" herein.

1.3. Yon CC affiliate: refers to the affiliate disclosed in the latest annual report of Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. Please refer to the official website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for details.

1.4. Yon CC enterprise/organization user: refers to an individual or organization that registers, logs in, uses Yon CC products and services and obtains management authority, including but not limited to legal entity (such as company, government agency, and public service entity), non-legal entity (such as partnership), and self-employed business.

1.5. Yon CC enterprise/organization administrator: refers to a Yon CC individual user who is authorized or designated by a Yon CC enterprise/organization user, has the system operation authority of the Yon CC enterprise/organization user management platform, and opens, manages and uses Yon CC services on behalf of the enterprise/organization.

1.6. Yon CC individual user: refers to an individual user who is registered with Yon CC by the enterprise user/organization administrator and uses Yon CC. The individual user does not have the authority of the Yon CC enterprise organization administrator. The individual user is hereinafter referred to as "you". You can log in to the Yon CC client only after the enterprise user/organization administrator registers your information as an individual user with Yon CC.

1.7. User personal information: refers to various information related to identified or identifiable natural persons recorded electronically or in other ways. Anonymized information, however, is excluded. User personal information collected by Yon CC is the user information that the enterprise user actively provides to Yon CC. Such information may include but is not limited to your name, mobile number, email address, sex, company, department, position, title, level, employee ID, direct supervisor, entry date and employee residence. Before organization users upload your personal information to Yon CC, your explicit consent should be obtained in advance, and you should have been fully informed of the purpose, scope and usage of the data collected.

1.8. Sensitive personal information: refers to biometrics, religious beliefs, specific identities, medical health, financial accounts, whereabouts, and other information, as well as the personal data of minors under the age of fourteen, which may easily lead to violations of the personal dignity of a natural person or endanger personal and property safety once leaked or used illegally.

1.9. Business data: different from user information, it refers to the data processed by Yon CC users through Yon CC technical services, such as uploading, downloading, and distributing services.

1.10. Collection: refers to Yon CC's behavior of obtaining control over user personal information, including automatic collection through being proactively provided by the user, interaction with the user or recording of user behavior, and indirect acquisition through sharing, transferring, and collection of public information.

1.11. Personal information controller: refers to the organization or individual who has the right to decide the processing purpose and method of personal information. Some personal information controllers of the Yon CC services herein are Yon CC enterprise/organization users and Yon CC enterprise/organization administrators.

2. Applicable Scope

2.1. This privacy policy applies to the Yon CC client, including but not limited to multiple application versions for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

2.2. This privacy policy does not apply to the services provided to you by third parties, including services provided to you by third-party partners settled on the Yon CC platform and converged eco-products sold on the Yon CC platform.

3. Collection and Use of User Personal Information

When you use our products and/or services, we need/may need to collect and use your personal information, including the following two types:

(1) the necessary information that you must authorize us to collect and use in order to provide you with the basic functions of our products or services. If you refuse to provide this information, you will not be able to normally use our products or services;

(2) the information that you can choose to authorize us to collect and use in order to provide you with the additional features of our products or services. If you refuse to provide this information, certain additional features may not function normally or not achieve the intended functional effects, but your normal use of the basic functions of our products or services will not be affected.

3.1. Our purposes for using user personal information

3.1.1. In order to provide services to you, we will send you messages and notices or communicate with you, including but not limited to the verification codes necessary to ensure completion of the services, and push notifications necessary to use the services.

3.1.2. We may design, develop and promote new products and services based on your personal information statistics; we will collect statistical data on our service usage and may share the statistics data with the public or third parties. But we will remove your ID information and take anonymization measures before sharing.

3.1.3. To improve the security of services provided by us and our affiliates and partners, ensure the safety of the operating environment and identify the abnormal status of account, protect the personal and property safety of you, other users or the public from being infringed, better prevent phishing websites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, cyber-attacks, network intrusions and other security risks, and more accurately identify violations of laws and regulations or related agreements and rules, we may use your personal information to integrate device information, relevant network logs and information legally shared by our affiliates and partners to determine your account and transaction risks, conduct identity verification, security incident detection and prevention. We will also take necessary recording, auditing, analysis and disposal measures according to laws.

3.1.4. If we need to use your personal information beyond the scope of this agreement or reasonable scope, we will notify you in order to obtain your express consent first.

3.1.5. When you use the mobile client, in order to provide you with the service you choose to use, or ensure the quality and experience of the service, we may need your authorization to enable the operating system permission. If you do not agree to authorize the app to obtain the relevant operating system permissions, your use of the basic business functions, including but not limited to Yon CC online application and reimbursement provided by us, will not be affected, but you may not be able to obtain the user experience brought to you by additional services (such as invoice recognition and intelligent bill filling).

3.2. Scope of user personal information we collect

3.2.1. Achieve the functions necessary for using the mobile terminal

Your personal information refers to the information that can determine your personal identity when used alone or in combination with other information. When you or your enterprise/organization users register and use our products and/or services, we will collect the necessary personal information from you or your enterprise/organization users, as follows: Information collected when you log into an account

When you log in to your Yon CC client account, we collect the following information about you:

If you are a Yon CC individual user, your enterprise user needs to uniformly register an account for you before you can use it. You can log in to the Yon CC App only after your enterprise registers an individual user of Yon CC for you with your mobile number or email address. When you log in to Yon CC, we need to collect your mobile number or email address for login authentication. If you forgot your login password, we need to collect your mobile number/email address and SMS verification code/email verification code to help you retrieve your password. Information collected when using our services

1) Reimbursement service: when you use the reimbursement service, Yon CC will calculate your reimbursement standard and pay the reimbursement fund to your bank account based on your personal information which your enterprise actively provides, including but not limited to your mobile number, email address, sex, company, department, position, title, level, employee ID, direct supervisor, entry date and employee residence.

2) Approval service: when you view the approval status, we will collect the portrait and personal information that you or your enterprise actively uploaded to show you the approval process and status.

3.2.2. Situations in that you can choose to provide personal information

1) Invoice collection service: when you use the invoice collection service, if the invoice you uploaded contains your personal information, such as your name, we will collect this information.

2) My entrusted service: when you establish an entrustment relationship and entrust others for reimbursement, the agent information you can choose is provided by your enterprise.

3) Reporting service: all the board content and information you can view are the information that your enterprise has authorized you to view.

You can also refer to Attachment 1: Details about Information Collection of the Yon CC App for the list of details.

You understand and agree that if you choose to open and manage the Yon CC services as an enterprise/organization administrator, the individual users of your organization may submit or generate the corresponding information and data while using the related functions/applications of Yon CC services (hereinafter referred to as "enterprise control data"). You acknowledge and understand that the enterprise/organization users are the controllers of the above enterprise control data. Yon CC only processes your personal information/data when the organization user administrator chooses to open, manage and use the above application services. Before enterprise/organization users upload the above-mentioned user personal information, explicit consent from the above-mentioned individual users should be obtained in advance. Only the personal information of the individual users necessary for operation and management of the enterprise should be collected, and the individual users should have been fully informed of the purpose, scope and usage of data collected.

3.3. How we collect user personal information

3.3.1. We will collect and store the personal information provided by you when you log in or browse Yon CC products and/or services, such as your mobile number and email address.

3.3.2. We will collect and store your personal information provided by your enterprise to Yon CC, including but not limited to the personal information submitted by the enterprise user or submitted by you as requested by the enterprise user, including your name, sex and mobile number.

3.3.3. We will collect and store the personal information that you have submitted or provided on your own initiative through the customer service staff and/or other channels of Yon CC.

3.3.4. We will collect and store legally-acquired personal information about you from our affiliates, business partners, and third-party independent sources.

4. Means of Sharing, Transferring and Publicly Disclosing User Personal Information

4.1. Entrusted processing

4.1.1. In order to improve efficiency and reduce costs, we may entrust affiliates or other external professional service providers with the processing of your personal information on our behalf. For companies, organizations and individuals entrusted by us to process personal information, we will require them to abide by strict confidentiality obligations and take effective confidentiality measures by signing written agreements, auditing and through other means, requiring them to process your information only within the scope of entrustment and not to use your information for their own interests.

4.2. Sharing

We will not share your personal information with other organizations or individuals, with the following exceptions:

4.2.1. Sharing with explicit consent: after obtaining your explicit consent, we will share your user information with others.

4.2.2. Sharing under statutory circumstances: we may share your user information in accordance with laws and regulations, litigation, arbitration, or in accordance with the requirements of administrative and judicial authorities.

4.2.3. Sharing with affiliates: in order to prompt our products and services based on Yon CC, identify account anomalies, and protect the personal and property safety of Yon CC affiliates, other users or the public, we may share your personal information with our affiliates after obtaining your explicit consent.

4.2.4. Sharing with authorized partners: if some of the services you use through Yon CC are provided by Yon CC suppliers, partners or third-party authorized partners in the Yon CC market, we may share your personal information with our affiliates after obtaining your explicit consent; in addition, in order to carry out marketing activities together with the above-mentioned third-party authorized partners, we may share with them the relevant personal information necessary for the activities and the information generated during the activities; You can click here to view the details of data collection shared by the Yon CC App.

4.2.5. We will sign strict confidentiality agreements and information protection agreements with the companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share user information, and require them to follow our instructions, this privacy policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures when handling user information.

4.3. Transferring

We will not transfer your user information to any companies, organizations or individuals, with the following exceptions:

4.3.1. Transferring with explicit consent: after obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your user information to others.

4.3.2. In the case of mergers, acquisitions or bankruptcy liquidation of Yon CC and other legal entities, or other circumstances involving mergers, acquisitions or bankruptcy liquidation, if it involves the transfer of user information, we will ask the corresponding companies or organizations to continue to be bound by this policy; otherwise we will require the companies, organizations and individuals to request user consent again.

4.4. Public disclosure

Before disclosing any of your personal information, we will consult you and accept the content of personal information disclosure agreed upon by you through contract. Unless we have obtained your explicit authorization or are required by laws and regulations, we will not authorize others to use your personal information. We will only publicly disclose your personal information in the following situations:

4.4.1. We may publicly disclose your user information by obtaining your explicit consent or based on your active choice.

4.4.2. In order to protect the personal and property safety of users of Yon CC and its affiliates or the public, we may disclose your user information in accordance with applicable laws or agreements and rules related to the Yon CC platform.

4.5. Exceptions to prior authorization and consent to sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing user information

In the following cases, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your user information does not require prior authorization and consent from you:

4.5.1. User information related to national security and national defense security.

4.5.2. User information related to public safety, public health, and major public interests.

4.5.3. User information related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials and execution of judgments.

4.5.4. User information which it is difficult to obtain for the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals, such as life and property.

4.5.5. Personal information that you disclose to the public on your own.

4.5.6. Personal information collected from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure and other channels

5. User Business Data and Public Information

Unlike your user information, Yon CC will handle user business data and public information as follows:

5.1. User business data

5.1.1. The data you process, store, upload, download, and distribute, and otherwise process through the services provided by Yon CC are your user business data, which are completely owned by you. As an enterprise cloud service provider, Yon CC will only process your business data in strict accordance with your instructions. We will not make any unauthorized use or disclosure of your business data unless you agree or we do so as required by express laws and regulations.

5.1.2. You are responsible for the sources and contents of your user business data, and Yon CC prompts you to carefully judge the legality of the data sources and contents. For your user business data contents in violation of laws, regulations, rules or national policies, all results and responsibilities are at your own risk.

5.2. Public information

5.2.1. Public information refers to any information you share publicly, which can be viewed or accessed by anyone while using or not using the Yon CC services.

6. User Rights

6.1. Query, correction and deletion of users' personal information

6.1.1. You can view the login information you provide to Yon CC and other information generated during your use of the Yon CC platform, and you can log into your Yon CC client account at any time to query your personal information under the following path: [Me > Profile Photo].

6.1.2. If you need to correct your personal information, contact your enterprise administrator to make changes.

6.1.3. For the personal information collected by Yon CC, You can log into your Yon CC platform account and follow the instructions on the corresponding page to delete your account if:

1) you think it is no longer necessary for us to retain your personal information;

2) we have obtained your consent to process your personal information and you have subsequently withdrawn your consent (and we have no other reason to process such personal information); or

3) you think we have processed your personal information illegally.You can unregister your account under the following path: [Me > Settings > Account Management > Account Unregistration].

You may contact us at (youfeikong@yonyou.com) and we will respond to and complete your request within 15 business days.

6.1.4. If you leave your enterprise, your enterprise administrator will delete your data. Or you can contact us at (yyoufeikong@yonyou.com) to request that we delete your data. We will respond to and complete your request within 15 business days.

6.2. Processing of personal information for storage purposes only

For the personal information collected by Yon CC, you have the right to request that Yon CC stop processing such personal information except for storage purposes in the following cases:

6.2.1. You believe the personal information is incorrect (limited to the period during which we verify if it is correct).

6.2.2. It is illegal to process such personal information, so we want to remove such personal information, but you want us to keep it for storage purposes only.

6.2.1. You believe the personal information is incorrect (limited to the period during which we verify if it is correct).

6.2.3. Yon CC no longer has to process such personal information and therefore wishes to delete it, but you request that the information be stored in order to make, claim or counter legal remedies.

You may contact us at (youfeikong@yonyou.com) and we will respond to and complete your request within 15 business days.

6.3. Portability of personal information

6.3.1. You have the right to obtain a copy of the personal information collected by Yon CC. You have the right to obtain this information in a structured, versatile and machine-readable format. You may obtain a copy of your personal information through your enterprise administrator or contact us at (youfeikong@yonyou.com). We will respond to and complete your request within 15 business days. You also have the right to ask Yon CC to transfer the personal information to another person or exercise the right to export the data. If you wish to use Yon CC to transfer the above personal information to a third party, please ensure that you will inform the third party in detail. If you wish to exercise the above rights, contact us at our dedicated email address for customer privacy (youfeikong@yonyou.com). We will respond to and complete your request within 15 business days. Please note that Yon CC can only transfer information if it is technically feasible. Once the third party receives the personal information, Yon CC is not responsible for the security of the information or how it is handled. If providing certain personal information affects the rights of others, we may not be able to provide it to you (for example, if providing personal information will reveal information about others, Yon CC or any third party's trade secrets or intellectual property information).

6.4. Right of refusal to collect and use personal information

6.4.1. If you have previously agreed to Yon CC's collection and use of your personal information, you may withdraw any prior consent to us and have the right to refuse us to use such personal information, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations. You can revoke your authorization by disabling relevant permissions in the device's operating system. You may also contact us at our dedicated email address for customer privacy (youfeikong@yonyou.com). We will respond to and complete your request within 15 business days, and we will no longer collect information related to such permissions after the revocation of your authorization.

6.5. Unregistration of an account

6.5.1. If your enterprise/organization user unregisters the Yon CC enterprise/organization account, we will anonymize your personal information in that organization but keep your personal information as an individual user of Yon CC, unless you opt to unregister your personal account of Yon CC. After you have voluntarily unregistered your personal account of Yon CC, we will stop providing Yon CC services to you and anonymize your personal information as required by applicable law.

6.5.2. If you wish to unregister your personal account, please contact us at our dedicated email address for customer privacy (youfeikong@yonyou.com). We will respond and complete your request within 15 business days.

6.5.3. In addition, if you are an individual user of the Yon CC App, you can automatically log in to the Yon CC App's mobile client and delete your personal information in [Me > Settings > Account Management > Account Unregistration], which takes effect immediately after you confirm the deletion.

6.6. For more information about the Yon CC App's functions, permissions, and the personal information collected by it, refer to Attachment 2: Yon CC App's Functions, Permissions, and the Personal Information It Collects.

7. Statement on Third-party SDKs Integrated into the Yon CC App

7.1. Statement on third-party SDKs integrated into the Yon CC App: To keep our client running normally and provide you access to more services and functions, applications in Yon CC integrate SDKs from our authorized partners or other similar applications. For details about integrated third-party SDKs and information collection, you can refer to theStatement on the Third-party SDKs and Information Collection Involving Data Sharing of the Yon CC App (《友费控APP涉及数据共享的第三方SDK及收集信息说明》) and theStatement on the Third-party SDKs and Information Collection Not Involving Data Sharing of the Yon CC App (《友费控APP不涉及数据共享的第三方SDK及收集信息说明》).For your information security, we have concluded data security confidentiality agreements with third-party SDK service providers, who will strictly abide by our data privacy and security requirements. We will not share your personal identity information with them without your consent.

8. User Personal Information Security Protection Measures

Yon CC and our affiliates will adopt strict security systems and common industry security technologies and procedures to ensure that your personal information is not lost, disclosed, damaged or misused. Our suppliers, partners or third-party service providers who use the Yon CC Platform will be subject to the confidentiality agreements, and will also be subject to data access control and operation monitoring.

Our network service adopts encryption technologies including but not limited to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and provides browsing services through HTTPS and other ways to ensure the security of users' data during transmission. For example, when we display a user's mobile number and email address, the data has been masked. We use trusted protection mechanisms to protect data from malicious attacks. We also deploy access control mechanisms to prevent data misuse.

Yonyou attaches great importance to information security and privacy protection and strictly abides by national laws and regulations. We regard network security, data security, and privacy protection as indispensable parts of the company's operations. We continuously work to improve management mechanisms, strengthen the information security system, and improve the quality and effectiveness of work in the areas of employee publicity and education.

At present, Yonyou has qualified for security certifications, including but not limited to Level III protection, ISO 27001 (Information security management system certification), ISO/IEC 27017 (cloud service information security management system) and ISO/IEC 27018 (public cloud personal information security management system).

When Yon CC believes that the user processing instructions of the Yon CC enterprise/organization user violate applicable laws or regulations, Yon CC enterprise/organization administrator will be notified by e-mail through our dedicated email address for customer privacy (youfeikong@yonyou.com) within 15 business days.

9. How We Store User Personal Information

9.1. Storage location: we will store the personal information collected and generated from the Yon CC services operated in the People's Republic of China in the territory of the People's Republic of China. In case of transmitting personal information abroad, we will expressly inform you of the purpose, recipient and security measures of personal information leaving the country, and obtain your consent separately.

9.2. Storage period: we will take reasonable and feasible measures to store your personal information and try our best to avoid collecting irrelevant personal information. We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose described herein and to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations.Yon CC will, in accordance with the requirements of the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, keep relevant network logs for your use of the Yon CC App's services for at least six months.

9.3. During your use of our products and/or services, we will retain your personal information for a period of time for the purposes described in this Policy. After that, we will determine the retention period in accordance with the mandatory retention requirement specified by law. For example, the E-commerce Law of the People's Republic of China states that information about goods and services, as well as information on transactions, must be kept for at least three years after a transaction is completed. After the retention period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information as required by applicable laws.

9.4. After you or your organization have successfully unregistered an account, we will also delete or anonymize your personal information as required by applicable laws.

9.5. If we terminate the service or operation, we will notify you at least 30 days in advance and delete or anonymize your personal information after the termination.

10. Special Terms for User Personal Information of Minors

10.1. We attach great importance to the protection of minors' information. Yon CC products and services are not available to any minors under the age of 16. If you are under the age of 16, do not use our products and services. If we find that we have collected personal information about a minor without the prior explicit consent of his or her verifiable parent or statutory guardian, we will take steps to delete the data as soon as possible. If you are a parent or guardian of a minor and find that we have collected personal information about the minor without the prior explicit consent of his or her parent or guardian, please contact us at youfeikong@yonyou.com. We will respond and complete your request within 15 business days.

11. Update of Privacy Policy

11.1. We may update this privacy policy in due course. When the terms and conditions change, we will show you the changed privacy policy in the form of a push notification, or pop-up window when you log in and the version is updated. You will be asked again to agree to the latest version of the privacy agreement to continue using the Yon CC services.

11.2. To get the historical version of Yon CC Privacy Policy, please click here.

12. Complaints and Reporting

If you have any complaints or reports about personal information security, please contact us.

Email: [youfeikong@yonyou.com]

In general, we will respond within 15 days after receiving your questions, comments, or suggestions.

13. Our Contact Information

GV If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy or the practice and operation of this privacy policy, please contact us at our dedicated email address for customer privacy (youfeikong@yonyou.com). We will respond and complete your request within 15 business days.

If you are not satisfied with our response, especially if you believe that the way in which we have processed personal information is damaging your legal rights and interests, you can also submit complaints or reports to relevant regulatory authorities (such as consumer rights and interests protection, Internet, telecommunications, public security, and industrial and commercial regulatory authorities).

Attachment 1: Details about Information Collection of the Yon CC App

Business function Personal information collected Collection purpose and scenarios
Login certification Mobile number and email addres For login authentication and real-name authentication
Reimbursement service Personal information actively provided by enterprises For calculating reimbursement standards
Approval service Profile photo and name For showing the approva
Invoice collection service Name information in case the invoice with personal name uploaded For invoice identification and reimbursement
My entrusted service Personal information of the reimbursement agents actively provided by enterprises For agent reimbursement
Reporting service Business information left by individuals or enterprises when using services For board analysis display
YonMaster Smart Voice Allowing accesses to the voice and real-time geographic location while using The voice is to recognize the user instructions; geographic location is to check local weather
Private Vehicles for Business User's real-time geographic location For positioning and mileage calculation

Attachment 2: Yon CC App's Functions, Permissions, and the Personal Information It Collects

Business function Apply for enabling permission on your mobile phone Personal information collected
Invoice identification, collection and upload Permission to access the camera and to read and write in photos Reading invoice pictures to be uploaded
Attachment upload Permission to read and write in native files including but not limited to PDF files and Word files Reading local files to be uploaded including pictures, videos, and PDFs
App activation Permission to access SD card storage Reading stored files of the application
App login Permission to read mobile phone status information Obtaining International mobile equipment identity (IMEI)
YonMaster Smart Voice Permission to access microphone Obtaining microphone access to recognize the user instructions
YonMaster Smart Voice Permission to access geographic location Obtaining user's real-time geographic location
Private Vehicles for Business Permission to access geographic location Obtaining user's real-time geographic location
User Real-name Authentification User real-name authentification Mobile number

We may use the information collected through a service for our other services.

In order to provide you with more convenient and high-quality products and services, and strive to improve your experience, we may collect and use your personal information through some additional functions and items in some services which we provide you with. If you do not provide such information, your use of the basic functions of our products and services will not be affected, but you may not be able to access an enhanced user experience from these additional functions and items. These additional functions include:

(1) Camera-based functions: when you use the functions including but not limited to scanning invoices, and uploading invoices by taking photos with a camera, we need to obtain your camera permission.

(2) Microphone-based function: when you use the YonMaster Smart Voice function, we need to obtain your microphone permission to recognize the instructions issued by your voice.

(3) Geographic location-based functions: When use YonMaster to check weather, permission to your geographic location is required. When use Private Vehicles for Business, permission to your geographic location is required.

(4) Photo album (picture library)-based image access and upload function: You can use this function to upload your photos/pictures after enabling the album permission, to access operations including but not limited to identifying invoices, uploading invoices, and uploading attachments. We may identify your specific needs for our services or help through the content of your uploaded photos/pictures, or use other attached information containing the content of your uploaded photos/pictures.

(5) File storage: including storage of application resource files and local reading of downloaded files.

(6) Information pushing: Enabling push permissions makes it more convenient for you to receive notification messages sent by us.

(7) Getting common device information: we may determine and optimize the best way to display product and service info for you by collecting your basic information such as mobile number, IMEI, IMSI, and Mac address. We will also use this type of information in order to continuously improve and optimize the aforementioned functions.

(8) Using the system Webview: we use the Webview provided by the system as a container to load our business pages. The system Webview will have the behavior of acquiring device sensors, monitoring sensors, and game vector rotation sensors.

(9) If you need reimbursement, in order to make you receive the reimbursement fund, we will calculate the reimbursement standards with relevant information collected through the information your enterprise organization users actively provide to Yon CC. Such information may include but is not limited to your name, mobile number, email address, sex, company, department, position, title, level, job number, direct leader, entry date and employee residence. Before organization users upload your personal information to Yon CC, your explicit consent should be obtained in advance, and you should have been fully informed of the purpose, scope and usage of the data collected.

(10) You may submit your feedback through our customer service or email, or through [Me > Settings > More > Feedback] in the App. In the latter case, you may need to provide your email address and mobile number information.

(11) Where you modify your password, or you forgot your password and you have to retrieve it through [Me > Settings > Security Settings > Modify Password], when you send the verification code, we may collect your mobile number and email address to help you modify/retrieve/reset your password.

You understand and agree that the camera and photo album permissions required for the above additional services will not be enabled by default, and will only be used to perform the above-related functions or services with your explicit authorization. You can also view the status of the above permissions on your device and withdraw your authorization at any time. In particular, even if we have obtained these sensitive permissions with your authorization, we will not collect such information when relevant functions and services are not needed.